Additional Steering Solutions

Additional steering solutions offer you ways to enhance or upgrade your existing equipment.  These autoguidance solutions are simple and easy-to-install to make the most of your equipment.

case IH Early Riser Planter

Additional Steering Solutions

Get Accurate, Hands-Free Farming

Case IH steering solutions allow you to add hands-free steering and guidance capabilites to your existing vehicles and implements. Several options are available to fit your operation. Reduce operator stress with hands free steering and achieve greater accuracy with implement autoguidance.

Explore Solutions

  • The Raven VSN® Visual Guidance system is a non-contact stereo vision camera that provides guidance through emerged and full canopy crops for spraying and application jobs. VSN allows operators to focus on all other aspects of effective application control while minimizing crop damage, covering more acres in a day, and essentially providing an easier machine operation.

    • Enhanced steering control and simple operation results in minimal crop damage and more acres covered in each available day
    • Operates at high speeds, up to 20 mph
    • Operates in challenging terrains, with demonstrated success in areas exceeding 8° of slope
    • Maintains row guidance in crops from less than four inches to nearly full canopy
    • Pair with Viper 4+ and RS1™ or SC™1 guidance
  • Hands-free Machine Steering

    Coupled with a Raven field computer and GPS solution of your choice, SC1 is designed to provide hands-free machine steering. Sustainable accuracy and both high and low speeds with quick line acquisition improves overall efficiency.

  • Combine Three Functionalities into One Unit

    RS1 is a guidance and connectivity system that combines three functionalities into one unit:

    • Autosteer: Steers the machine so the operator can focus on the operation
    • GNSS and RTK: Helps guide the machine’s travel path
    • Slingshot® Connectivity: Utilizes compatibility with Viper® 4+ for remote job support and analysis of operational efficiencies. Provides unrivaled high-speed wireless connectivity, vehicle tracking, uninterrupted data transfer, and industry leading RTK corrections Highly accurate at speeds up to 29 mph, RS1 can be moved wherever you need it — from tractor to sprayer to spreader. It provides multiple methods of system connectivity, including cellular, Wi-Fi, or ethernet, and gives you the power to focus on other responsibilities in the cab
  • Accuracy and Consistency for High Efficiency

    AutoPilot is a steering system that can be retrofitted to many makes and models. Using your machine’s electro-hydraulic circuit to provide automatic guidance, this retrofit solution significantly increases your efficiency during field preparation, planting and harvesting by letting you drive more accurately and consistently.

    • Hands-free steering with one inch repeatability
    • Terrain compensation technology for accuracy on difficult terrain
    • Direct integration into vehicles existing hydraulics

    Compatible displays: XCN-2050™, XCN-1050™, FM-1000™

    Compatible Auto Guidance Solutions: TrueTracker™ Implement Steering, TrueGuide™, Implement Steering, RG-100 Row Guidance

  • Accessible Assisted Steering

    EZ-Pilot is a high-performance, affordable assisted steering system that integrates into your vehicle’s steering column giving you clear access to all your instrument panels with no decrease in cab leg room.

    • Utilizes an integrated electric-motor drive
    • Suitable for both low accuracy and high accuracy applications
    • Provides unrestricted manual steering when assisted steering is not engaged.

    EZ-Pilot can be installed by your Case IH dealer on many makes and models, and works with the FM-1000 or XCN-2050 display to give you hands-free farming.

  • Reduce Implement Drift

    AutoPilot is a steering system that can be retrofitted to many makes and models. Using your machine’s electro-hydraulic circuit to provide automatic guidance, this retrofit solution significantly increases your efficiency during field preparation, planting and harvesting by letting you drive more accurately and consistently.  AutoPilot features:

    • Hands-free steering with one inch repeatability
    • Terrain compensation technology for accuracy on difficult terrain
    • Direct integration into vehicles existing hydraulics

    Compatible displays: XCN-2050™ and FM-1000™

    Compatible Auto Guidance Solutions: TrueTracker™ Implement Steering, TrueGuide™, Implement Steering, RG-100 Row Guidance

  • Automatic Implement Guidance

    The AgGPS TrueTracker™ active guidance system enables your implements to follow a repeatable path, even on sloping fields and variable soils. The system automatically adjusts implements, such as tillage tools, drills, planters, cultivators, and any other implement that can be mechanically steered to follow directly in your tractor’s path.

    If used with an RTK network, TrueTracker will provide a +/- 2.5cm accuracy. Using the AgGPS TrueTracker helps improve seedbed preparation and nutrient placement and, as a result, enhances your crop standards and yields. TrueGuide requires either AutoPilot or AutoPilot Motor Drive System and the XCN-2050 display.